Our Christian Education

基 督 化 教 育 理 念

True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come. (Ellen G White, Education, p.13我們對於教育所存的觀念過於低狹,實有擴大範圍和提高目的之需要。真教育不僅在研究某種規定的課程,亦不僅在為目前生活從事準備,而是有關全人生活,包括其可能生存的全部時期;是靈、智、體各方面能力諧和的發展,預備學者得在此世以服務為樂,且在來世因得更大的服務而獲得更高的福樂。懷愛倫 ──《教育論》13頁)

Our Vision (辦學宗旨)

Students nurtured to be God-fearing and caring, to be positive and enterprising, and to be citizens with good character and virtue who can grow towards their full potential and benefit society.


Our Motto (校訓)

Strive for Perfection.To restore in man the image of his Maker, to bring him back to the perfection in which he was created.



Our Mission (辦學使命)

Our school endeavors to help students develop a Christ-like character through the provision of quality Christian education. This holistic education ensures a balanced growth of the mind, the body, and the spirit within a person. Consequently students can be assured of the experience of engaging in meaningful pursuits in life, in achieving their potential and in being a blessing to the community.


Core Values (教育目標)

  1. To guide students into knowing Christ, to honor God and love others, to know how to be thankful for everything, and to inculcate a correct outlook on life.
  2. To cultivate in students the virtues of self-esteem and self-respect, independent thinking, knowledge of right and wrong, and an understanding of sound personalities.
  3. To guide students to respect the environment and make good use of natural resources.
  4. To guide students to learn, to be proactive and innovative.
  5. To guide students to be willing to serve, to cultivate proper civic awareness, and to develop a sense of social responsibility and belonging.
  6. To teach students how to get along with others, and to enhance their communication and collaboration skills.
  7. To develop students' interest in art and their ability to appreciate the beauty of things around them, to cultivate a sense of dignity, and to pursue a simple but fruitful life.
  8. To help students grow up mentally and physically, developing the spirit of perseverance and striving for self-improvement in sports.
Christ's redemption makes people complete. He commanded His disciples, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt. 5:48). When a man is perfect, he has "ceased to be good". This is the highest mission of Christian education.
  1. 引導學生認識基督,敬神愛人,懂得凡事謝恩,使學生建立正確的人生觀。
  2. 培養學生自愛自重、獨立思考、明辨是非,建立健全人格。
  3. 引導學生尊重環境,善用自然資源。
  4. 引導學生學會學習,積極進取,敢於創新。
  5. 引導學生樂於服務,培養正確的公民意識,建立社會責任及歸屬感。
  6. 教導學生與人相處之道,提升其溝通、協作的能力。
  7. 發展學生對藝術的興趣及欣賞事物美善的能力,培養學生優雅氣質,追求簡樸 而豐盛的人生。
  8. 幫助學生身心健康成長,培養堅毅不屈之體育精神,自強不息。
